What's up people.
I have been absent for a while. Haven't really had a lot to say. It's funny that when you are going thru some shit you forget how to talk or write. Isn't this the time when you should write the most? Probably. This also seems to be the time when you feel most alone and you think that "it's just me." You think that everyone has their shit together except you.
Well I talked to momma the other day and she said "baby it is not just you." Seems everyone in my family is being challenged right now. As much as I want to give up sometimes, I've got an example to set. I've got people watching me to see how I will pull thru and you know what, I will pull thru. I've got so many directions to go in that I can't figure out where to go.
I feel as though there is a higher power trying to guide me but I'm not hearing everything I'm supposed to. I try to get my mind to be quiet so I can hear what I'm supposed to but I just can't seem to get it quiet enough. Any pointers?
The one thing I know for sure is that I hate where I am right now in my life and don't want to keep doing what I'm doing but I don't know where to start over. Is school the answer? Is operating my own business the answer? A combination of the 2? What is a lady to do????
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