Dear sweet momma
My friend has made me think about the single most important person in my life. The one responsible for making me a responsible human being. A man. A damn good man. One who believes in taking care of his family. That's my mother. Lord knows I didn't learn that shit from my dad who avoided responsibility like the plague.
My mother taught me that good relationships are something to be treasured and held close to the heart. My problem is that I've not let many people get that close because I hurt easily and I don't like being hurt. Understand this though, there is nothing more important to me than feeling loved. Being loved and having someone just for no reason at all say "I love you".
I have such a wide array of loved ones. I have black ones, white ones, males, females, gay, straight, confused and just plain fucked up. The key to maintaining these relationships is to love them all.
I have a friend out there that soooo many people talk bad about because he is just a fuck up. But you know what, I love the guy. I have grown so sick and tired of acting like I don't because it is not the accepted way to feel about this guy so no more. I love the guy. Couldn't tell you why but I do. Some speculate that we are more than friends. Truth is, they are right. There is a connection there. One that has been there since he was 18 years old when God but him in my life and forced me to care about him. So yes I care about him. Guess what...he loves me too. He is incapable of showing love the way most people do but I have no doubt whatsoever that he loves me. So in the words of another good friend of mine...PHUKK EM!! If they can't accept the fact that I love and care about a screw up..fuck 'em. I am a fuck up and God loves me so why would I not share that love with someone else.
They often say that "overbearing mothers" produce gay men.
I don't think it's true. I think a good mother produces a good man, whether he be straight or not.
I loved my mother dearly, I can't speak for my siblings. Perhaps they loved her as much, and yet they didn't turn out gay.
Not a day goes by that I don't weep for the loss of her in my life. How would the last 13 years have gone had she been a part of my life?
Who would I be now if I hadn't been raised by her? I shiver to even think. Even now I catch myself saying things that she used to say, or just wanting to do the silly things she did.
We should all be grateful for the momma's that raised us right!
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