Taking life for granted
How many times have I gotten up out of bed? How many times have I hopped into my car and just driven to where I needed to go? How many times have I taken a flight of stairs sometimes 2 at a time? How many times have I complained about hearing too much noise? Why am I asking these questions? You see I got really pissed off about a lot of dumb shit today. When you get as pissed as I was, you forget about all the things you have to be thankful for.
A mentor of mine from a while back used to put things in perspective when I got pissed of by simply stating "what about the people in wheelchairs?"
I went to the University of Akron track today to walk off some anger and some fat. As I moved around the track at what seemed to be a slow pace for me, I saw a lady walking the track with a walker. No big deal right..this woman had obviously had a stroke and the effort it took for her to be out there brought tears to my eyes. I kept thinking how this woman had more heart in her big toe than I have in my whole body. I have no way of knowing if this woman abused her body to be in her condition or if she was born that way. The only thing I could think about is how she did not let her disability hold her back. HEART!!!!
I was put there on that track at that time because I was taking life for granted and letting the small stuff get to me. I needed my eyes open and guess what...they got opened.
Something that next to no one knows about me is that I have 2 mentally disabled sisters. Their quality of life seems so bleak to me but they seem happy. My mother is 60+ years old and care for both of these women. Not once have I heard her complain. That could have easily been me or anyone else being put in that situation. How many of us could truly handle that?
Next time you start to take life for granted think about other people and some of the struggles they might have. I guarantee your situation won't seem so bad afterwards.
We all need a wake up call at one time or another, because we're all prone to pity parties on occassion. You said a mouthful when you said that things could be much worse. Thanks for the reminder.
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