What a word! Fair. I had one of my girls say to me that "its not fair." Now keep in mind she has been told time and time again that fair is a four letter dirty word. Is life fair? Now that's a question that we could talk about for years and still have plenty unsaid. Why can you do this without first talking to me? Why can't we think of another solution? Why don't other parents do this to their children? Why????
Simple answer. I'm the parent and you are the child. I know stuff that you don't (even though you think you know everything.) I'm going to do what is best for you even if you don't like it or understand it. Now let's talk about what is fair and what is not. Is it fair for me as a parent to have to constantly clean up every financial mess you make? Is it fair for me as a parent to have to clean up behind you? Is it fair that I put pretty much all of my life on hold to make sure you were taken care of? Fair? Probably not but that is the choice I made and somewhere along the line I started to care about you and want to protect you. So where does this leave you...in my care and under my direction. How fair is that?